Services > Video chat
Get face to face personal with video chat.
Seamlessly switch to video chat while messaging with your customers.
When messaging alone doesn't cut it.
Sometimes it's a whole lot easier to communicate when you see people's expressions. With the Lynq platform, bankers can seamlessly initiate a video chat request with their customer, and once accepted, have a video chat window open for both parties. The customer always has the option to accept, reject, or end the video chat at any time. And with the clever placement of the video window, messaging can also be done concurrently while on video chat.
Download the case study
We love our service and can talk about it all day, but seeing real proof from real clients about how they are benefiting from the service is also incredibly valuable. Download this case study to find out how Rockland Trust ($20B out of Boston) has digitally engaged more than 20,000 of their customers in just 90 days with Lynq.
Interested in how we can help you transform your digital customer engagement?
We understand that every financial institution has unique operations and strategic initiatives that they are focused on. Request a demo with us below and we will look forward to understanding your unique challenges and having a discussion on how Lynq by Agent IQ can help you achieve those goals.